Michigan House Republicans
Vote Explanations | Week of June 24
RELEASE|June 28, 2024
Contact: Rachelle Smit

SB 482:  Allow a sharps container to be stored in the location for longer than 90 days if the container is not more than 3/4 full.

Sponsor:  Sen. McDonald-Rivet (D)                          

Passage:  110-0 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted YES: This will help alleviate the need of frequent disposal of mostly empty sharps containers and reduce medical waste.

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BILL PACKAGE HBs 5060 & 5523:  Community Action Agency Statute Consolidation

Sponsors:  Reps. O’Neal (D) & Glanville (D)                          

HB 5060 Passage:  110-0 with Immediate Effect

HB 5523 Passage:  84-26 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted YES on HB 5060: This legislation makes updates that are necessary to continue receiving federal dollars.

Why I voted NO on HB 5523: It seems unnecessary to repeal the entire MESO Act of 1981 and replace with an entirely new act when we are making language updates that could be accomplished through amending the existing act.

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BILL PACKAGE SBs 449-450:  Complex Rehabilitative Technology coverage within Medicaid

Sponsors:  Sens. Daley (D) & Irwin (D)                    

Passages:  104-6 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted YES: This will ensure that individuals with severe health conditions get the necessary equipment to ensure their recovery or improve their health.

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BILL PACKAGE HBs 5191-5197:  Modifies multiple sections of the penal code, Health Care False Claims Act and Insurance Code.

Sponsors:  Reps. B. Carter (D), Neeley (D), Harris (R), McFall (D), Aragona (R), & Fitzgerald (D)                      

Passages:  106-4 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted YES: (HB 5192) This bill does not bind Michigan into any specific required sharing agreement or require action on any recommendations as a result of shared information. (HB 5193) With Michigan’s auto insurance also functioning, in part, as a health insurer, auto insurers should be subject to the same requirements. (HB 5194) This bill would provide another tool or option for law enforcement to penalize those involved in insurance fraud schemes. (HB 5195) Current Michigan law provides little flexibility for prosecutors and judges to decide how to deal with a case of insurance fraud. Providing a wider range of offenses can allow us to increase punishment for the worst offenders and use lower offenses to secure plea deals that aid further investigation and enforcement. (HB 5196) This ensures that a low-to-mid four figure fine is not the entire penalty someone may face for fraud, simply because there is no specific provision outlining the penalty for the violation. (HB 5197) Requiring insurers to report likely fraud in a timely manner will ensure law enforcement can crack down on crime more efficiently.

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HB 5827:  Would increase the maximum number of weeks that an individual may receive unemployment compensation from 20 to 26 weeks beginning on January 1, 2025.

Sponsor:  Rep. Whitsett (D)                        

Passage:  56-54 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted NO: This will lead to increased costs for employers as they will now have people drawing off their unemployment accounts for longer periods of time.

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SB 571:  Would create a new state project registration and certified payroll database as well as add the prevailing wage requirements for both public and private solar and wind generation to the prevailing wage law.

Sponsor:  Sen. Cherry (D)                             

Passage:  56-54 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted NO: Creating a database within LEO will almost assuredly be used by the department to go after contractors or subcontractors.

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HB 4409:  Creates the Drug Manufacturers Data Reporting Act establishing transparency reporting requirements for drug manufacturers.

Sponsor:  Rep. Steckloff (D)                        

Passage:  90-20 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted NO: The Secretary of State shouldn’t be helping toll operators collect revenue.

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SB 398:  Would give DEGLE the authority to issue written emergency orders when inland lakes and streams are threatened with harm to “public health, safety, welfare, property, or the natural resources or the public trust in those natural resources.” 

Sponsor:  Sen. McCann (D)                          

Passage:  56-54 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted NO: According to DEGLE the Morrow Dam issue has been mitigated.

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BILL PACKAGE HBs 4728, 5027, & 5166-5173:  Maternal and Infant Health

Sponsors:  Reps. Rogers (D), Pohutsky (D), Young (D), Neeley (D), Edwards (D), Hood (D), B. Carter (D), Grant (D), & Hope (D)                             

HB 4728 Passage:  103-6 with Immediate Effect

HB 5027 Passage:  91-18 with Immediate Effect

HB 5166 Passage:  87-22 with Immediate Effect

HB 5167 Passage:  101-8 with Immediate Effect

HB 5168 Passage:  89-20 with Immediate Effect

HB 5169 Passage:  102-7 with Immediate Effect

HB 5170 Passage:  90-19 with Immediate Effect

HB 5171 Passage:  97-12 with Immediate Effect

HB 5172 Passage:  70-39 with Immediate Effect

HB 5173 Passage:  99-10 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted YES on HB 4728: We should not make this process too cumbersome for breast milk donors.

Why I voted NO on HB 5027 & 5166-5173: These bills will create yet another layer of state government and bureaucracy that may not solve the issue.

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BILL PACKAGE HBs 5699-5702:  Local Official Term Start Date

Sponsors:  Reps. Tsernoglou (D), Paiz (D), Koleszar (D), & MacDonell (D)                 

Passages:  109-0 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted YES: We shouldn’t rush to swear in any elected official until all due diligence has been done. These bills create more time so that work isn’t rushed.

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SB 599:  Would modify the details of the medically frail parole program, expanding eligibility and allowing release to an in-home placement.

Sponsor:  Sen. Geiss (D)               

Passage:  60-49 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted NO: Current rules for paroling very ill or dying prisoners should not be amended.

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SB 350:  Would amend the Michigan Promise Zone Act to allow other costs of attending educational facilities to be covered as a “qualified educational expense”.

Sponsor:  Sen. Bayer (D)                              

Passage:  56-53 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted NO: Although it doesn’t increase costs to the state, we shouldn’t be supporting promise zones covering unnecessary things such as study abroad programs.

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BILL PACKAGE SBs 544-545:  Creates licensing for operation of refrigeration facility and transportation removal for deceased bodies.

Sponsor:  Sen. Klinefelt (D)                         

SB 544 Passage:  76-33 with Immediate Effect

SB 545 Passage:  73-36 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted NO: There were concerns raised about efforts to include these requirements for funeral homes, who may not have sufficient capacity, among other concerns.

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SB 602:  Would provide consumer protections for a residential real estate owner who enters into a right-to-list home sale agreement with a real estate broker.

Sponsor:  Sen. Hertel (D)                             

Passage:  103-7 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted NO: This could increase LARA enforcement workload.

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BILL PACKAGE HBs 5571-5576:  House Petition Reform Package

Sponsors:  Reps. Tsernoglou (D), McKinney (D), Morgan (D), Andrews (D), Martus (D), Churches (D)                          

Passage:  56-54 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted NO: These new substitutes are substantially different than the original legislation. The intent of the package as submitted by the Board of Canvassers is no longer clear. We are making changes that take the certainty out of the process and regulations. This will cause legal issues as things are challenged in court. We should not have advocacy groups (Voters Not Politicians) writing our laws.

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BILL PACKAGE HBs 5683-5684:  Expands the Scope of Practice for Estheticians and Cosmetologists

Sponsor:  Rep. Liberati (D)                          

HB 5683 Passage:  107-3 with Immediate Effect

HB 5684 Passage:  106-4 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted YES: These bills would codify the expanded scope of practice for estheticians in Michigan by allowing them to practice all the skills they have learned and trained for during the pursuit of their professional license.

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SB 175:  Amends the General Property Tax Act by increasing fines for those who fail to file a transfer of ownership on property with the local assessor.

Sponsor:  Sen. Santana (D)                          

Passage:  56-54 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted NO: The penalties are too harsh, especially for instances of an individual forgetting to report the required information to the assessor.

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BILL PACKAGE HBs 5661-5662:  Would Prohibit the Use of Bots to Purchase Excess Event Tickets.

Sponsors:  Reps. McFall (D) & Filler (R)                  

HB 5661 Passage:  106-4 with Immediate Effect

HB 5662 Passage:  98-12 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted YES on HB 5661: Michiganders are tired of these scalping bots who purchase and hoard tickets for resale, often pricing them out of reach for many hardworking families.

Why I voted NO on HB 5662: Federal legislation is already on the books to enforce these actions.

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HB 5694:  Permits insurers to offer value-added products or services related to various types of insurance coverage.

Sponsor:  Rep. B. Carter (D)                        

Passage:  104-6 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted YES: The bill allows but does not require insurers to offer the products, and for free or at a discounted price.

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SB 662:  Would amend the definition of a normal inland lake level and amend the process for financing a “normal level project” by special assessment.

Sponsor:  Sen. Bayer (D)                              

Passage:  68-42 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted NO: How was $600,000 chosen as the threshold for which principal amounts should be kept subject to the Revised Municipal Finance Act and which should not? Would the majority of past projects fall above or below this amount?

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HB 5733:  Authorizes the secretary of state to enter into agreements with bridge and tunnel toll facilities that implement automated tolling.

Sponsor:  Rep. T. Carter (D)                        

Passage:  69-39 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted NO: The Secretary of State shouldn’t be helping toll operators collect revenue.

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BILL PACKAGE SBs 205-207 & HBs 4062-4063:  Prohibiting source-of-income based discrimination for housing applicants.

Sponsors:  Sens. Cavanagh (D), Irwin (D), Bayer (D) & Reps. Conlin (D), Morgan (D)                            

SBs 205-207 & HB 4062 Passages:  56-54 with Immediate Effect

HB 4063 Passage:  57-53 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted NO: Some property owners may be concerned about increased risk, believing that certain sources of income may be less reliable or stable, potentially impacting their ability to receive rent payments.

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SB 150:  Amends the Tax Tribunal Act by allowing for residential property and small claims division hearings with the Michigan Tax Tribunal to be conducted remotely.

Sponsor:  Sen. Chang (D)                             

Passage:  104-6 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted YES: This change makes it easier for a petitioner to participate remotely in a Michigan Tax Tribunal hearing. In person hearings would still be allowed if agreed upon by all parties.

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BILL PACKAGE HBs 5817-5818:  Exempts Museum Authorities from TIF and Brownfield Taxes.

Sponsors:  Reps. T. Carter (D) & Steckloff (D)                      

Passages:  56-54 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted NO: 0.4 mills is an extra $40 a year on a property that has a taxable value of $100,000. Residents are already taxed enough on their property we shouldn’t allow even more property taxes to be levied.

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HB 5507:  FY 2024-25 Education Omnibus Budget

Sponsor:  Rep. Weiss (D)                              

Passage:  56-54 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted NO: This budget is a disaster. Democrats have raided our teachers’ retirement funds, neglected critical needs while funding their own pet projects, and made life harder for struggling Michigan families by locking in the income tax hike.”

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SB 911:  This bill is to amend 1980 PA 300, entitled “The public school employees retirement act of 1979,” by amending sections 41 and 43e (MCL 38.1341 and 38.1343e), section 41 as amended by 2023 PA 198 and section 43e as amended by 2012 PA 300.

Sponsor:  Sen. Hertel (D)                             

Passage:  56-54 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted NO: This could lead to insolvency of the retirement benefits of public school teachers.

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HB 5733:  Authorizes the secretary of state to enter into agreements with bridge and tunnel toll facilities that implement automated tolling. Under the agreements, the Secretary of State must assist in the collection of tolls by rejecting vehicle registration renewal after an excessive number of unpaid tolls.

Sponsor:  Rep. Name (D)                              

Passage:  70-40 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted NO: The Secretary of State shouldn’t be helping toll operators collect revenue.

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HB 4063:  Would amend the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act by altering the title and including income source as a form of prohibited discrimination. A definition for “source of income” is added.

Sponsor:  Rep. Morgan (D)                          

Passage:  56-54 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted NO: Property owners and landlords may see this as an additional regulatory burden, requiring them to adapt their screening processes, which could be seen as time-consuming and costly.

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BILL PACKAGE HBs 4485-4487:  Eliminating the statute of limitations for criminal sexual conduct.

Sponsors:  Reps. Miller (D), Whitsett (D), & Scott (D)                       

HB 4485 Passage:  57-53 with Immediate Effect

HB 4486 Passage:  58-52 with Immediate Effect

HB 4487 Passage:  56-54 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted NO: These bills are just a financial handout to plaintiffs’ personal injury attorneys.

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HB 5736:  Requires an employer to display a poster at their place of business that lists available services to veterans.

Sponsor:  Rep. Mentzer (D)                        

Passage:  56-54 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted NO: This is just another poster that employers must display even if they don’t have a veteran working for them.

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SB 366:  Increases the penalties for natural gas safety violations.

Sponsor:  Sen. McCann (D)                          

Passage:  89-21 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted NO: Increasing the maximum penalty from $10,000 to $200,000 is an unreasonable and over-the-top twentyfold increase.

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HB 5568:  Creates the Michigan High-Speed Internet Office within the Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity.

Sponsor:  Rep. Scott (D)               

Passage:  56-54 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted NO: This expands the size and authority of the state government with little legislative oversight.

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HB 4414:  Requires the Department of Technology, Management, and Budget (DTMB) to collaborate with the Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity (LEO) to create and collate digital literacy resources. LEO is then responsible for posting them on the department website.

Sponsor:  Rep. Scott (D)               

Passage:  56-54 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted NO: This is something that can be done at any time – it is unclear why we need a law directing a department to take these actions.

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HB 5724:  Would adopt a new act called the “Judicial Protection Act”, designed to protect the personal information and physical safety for judges, their families and household members.

Sponsor:  Rep. Breen (D)                              

Passage:  81-27 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted NO: There have been no examples given of threats that have occurred to judges in Michigan, or their immediate family members, and that the bill is unnecessary.

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HB 4718:  Would prohibit as a defense to a crime the fact that the victim had a certain sexual orientation or gender identity.

Sponsor:  Rep. Pohutsky (D)                       

Passage:  56-54 with Immediate Effect * Previous Bill

Why I voted NO: This one class of victims should not be singled out for special treatment, but that existing law should apply to all victims equally.

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HB 4332:  Establishes penalties for failing to correct blight violations and amends how cities send notice to blight offenders.

Sponsor:  Rep. Whitsett (D)                        

Passage:  69-41 with Immediate Effect *Previous Bill

Why I voted NO: This is unnecessary and current practice should be able to remediate blight problems in cities.

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BILL PACKAGE HBs 5056 & 5058:  Amends the Michigan Vehicle Code to require the Secretary of State (SOS) to create a Michigan 4-H fundraising plate and establish the Michigan 4-H Foundation Fund within the department of Treasury.

Sponsors:  Reps. Miller (D) & Bierlein (R)                              

Passages:  109-1 with Immediate Effect *Previous Bills

Why I voted YES: Could provide additional funding for the Michigan 4-H Foundation.

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HB 5429:  Would create a new act to establish a Court-Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) program. This would be a program in which each court in the state may participate, on a voluntary basis. The court would appoint a CASA volunteer in child-protective proceedings, to advocate for the child’s best interests.

Sponsor:  Rep. Morse (D)                             

Passage:  99-11 with Immediate Effect *Previous Bill

Why I voted YES: The CASA program should be expanded state-wide, and that consistent standards should be established to guide the program.

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BILL PACKAGE HBs 4921 & 5726:  School zone speed enforcement; Amends the Revised Judicature Act

Sponsors:  Reps. Fitzgerald (D) & McFall (D)                        

Passages:  60-50 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted NO: Implementing this technology will create a burden on law enforcement, as personnel will be required to inspect and verify evidence created by the cameras.

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BILL PACKAGE HBs 5535-5536:  Would increase pawn interest rates in Michigan.

Sponsors:  Reps. Aragona (R) & Liberati (D)                          

HB 5535 Passage:  88-22 with Immediate Effect

HB 5536 Passage:  90-20 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted YES: By modestly increasing the interest rate from 3 percent to 5 percent, law abiding pawn shops can remain competitive in the finance industry and bridge the gap between legal business and illicit practices.

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HB 4613:  Amends the Public Health Code by extending a temporary license for an EMTs or paramedic from 120 days to 1 year.

Sponsor:  Rep. Prestin (R)                            

Passage:  110-0 with Immediate Effect *Previous Bill

Why I voted YES: There is a shortage of EMTs and paramedics, this will allow individuals to help fill needed roles while they finish their licensing requirements.

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HB 4723:  Creates a special Merchant Marines registration plate for individuals and/or their family that were or are currently a member of the United States Merchant Marine.

Sponsor:  Rep. Morgan (D)                          

Passage:  104-6 with Immediate Effect *Previous Bill

Why I voted YES: Provides recognition for our service members and their spouses.

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HB 4331:  Allows greater use of Michigan’s fire insurance escrow program by increasing the residential withholding amount to match the current cost of demolitions and allowing cities to use abandoned funds for repairs.

Sponsor:  Rep. Whitsett (D)                        

Passage:  96-14 with Immediate Effect *Previous Bill

Why I voted NO: This is unnecessary and current practice should be able to remediate blight problems in cities.

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SB 716:  Authorizes historic vehicles to have a personalized license plate for a fee of $150 dollars.

Sponsor:  Sen. Klinefelt (D)                         

Passage:  110-0 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted YES: This provides greater freedom for individuals to customize their historic vehicles.

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SB 747:  FY 2024-25 State Budget (General Omnibus Budget)

Sponsor:  Sen. Anthony (D)                         

Passage:  56-54 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted NO: Democrats are spending $82.5 billion in the next state budget without any real solutions to address Michigan’s most pressing challenges. Their special projects don’t solve the issues that matter most to Michigan families. They don’t have a real plan to fix local roads. They don’t do enough to set students up for success. And they don’t do enough to protect our kids while they’re in school. We need a real plan that reflects the values and priorities of all Michigan families, offering essential services and positive outcomes for everyone.

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HB 5635:  Designates a portion of highway US-131 in Mecosta County as the “Sgt. Matthew Webber Memorial Highway.”

Sponsor:  Rep. Kunse (R)                              

Passage:  110-0 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted YES: This highway naming allows us to express our gratitude and appreciation for Sgt. Matthew Webber and the ultimate sacrifice he made to protect our country.

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HB 5826:  Creates a new act to establish a doula scholarship program.

Sponsor:  Rep. Xiong (D)                              

Passage:  58-52 with Immediate Effect

Why I voted NO: This is unnecessary and can already be done through an appropriation in the budget process. Additionally, there isn’t sufficient information required under the bill to determine financial hardship.

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